for Lubin Senator

Standing on Business

• Maintain the professional advantage of being a Lubin Business student

• Work with all schools in Pace, increasing student opportunities to excel across the board

• Be an advocate for mental health, representation, and success for all Lubin students

Experience & Qualifications

President — High School Thespian Troupe

• Increased student engagement for auditions, attendance at performances, organized community outreach events

• Organized several fundraisers to increase drama department funding that went directly back to increasing performance quality

• Worked closely with the Directors to create a set standard of expectations for club members increasing well-rounded involvement

Vice-President — Beta Club

• Worked to organize volunteer hour tracking for over 100 club members and communicated with those that were below the standard to make sure they maintained the clubs expectations

• Participated in a community Food Drive competing with local schools to collect the most non-perishable for the Tri-State Food Bank (Indiana). Connected with clubs across the school to start collection initiatives — ended up collecting donations from local businesses, individuals, teams, and philanthropists which totaled 38,447 pounds of food and over $12,000 dollars in monetary support

Historian — National Honor Society

• Documented and distributed information about volunteer opportunities while managing the overwhelming amount of information available for students to receive volunteer credit.

• Regularly spoke at club meetings to engage NHS members in upcoming initiatives inside and outside of the school.

Founding Member — Gay-Straight Alliance

Youth Council — Children’s Theatre of Southern Indiana

Quick Intro

• I am from a small town in Southern Indiana

• Life-Long Theatre Kid (President of High School Drama Department)

• Freshman studying Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communications

• Worked as a graphic designer for 2 years at a print shop before moving!

• I am dedicated to making sure everyone has the opportunity to get the most of our their Pace education (let’s face it, we paid enough)

Any questions or suggestions?